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Back to Those Pesky Basics

I was doing awesome this summer. Stamina increased, mental outlook skyrocketed, and flares wereat a minimum. I was starting to think that, if I took excellent care of myself, I could work

full-time starting this September.

Then, a few weeks ago, I went on vacation, and I soon decided avoiding nightshades and maintaining a low sugar diet would be too hard for two weeks on the road, so I let myself cheat a little...which turned

into a lot. By the end of vacation, I had eaten all kinds of terrible food (except gluten, although I

ended up with an accidental gluten exposure from cross contamination at McDonald’s, yay). I felt worse from eating so much sugar and experiencing so

much excitement, so I decided to go on sugar detox as soon as I got back. But recently I’ve found myself in a sort of rut. It’s felt kind of like yoyo dieting. I’ll eat super clean, just vegetables and meat and egg yolks and a little fruit for five days or so, but by Saturday (shopping day), I’ll run out of steam, I’ll be too

tired to cook after shopping, and somehow or other, I’ll cheat and have a piece of chocolate or

taquitos or some other treat, which is not ok the first week of a candida cleanse. Then, since I’ll

have to start over, I feel discouraged and binge on unhealthy grains and more sugar over the

weekend before following my super strict diet again on Monday. I’ve repeated this three times in a


I’ve decided I don’t want to live like this anymore, but I just haven’t had the emotional strength or

willpower to follow through on a strict diet for weeks on end. I get so frustrated since I feel like I’m intolerant to practically everything! But my stamina and mental health have sharply declined the

last few days, and I know my diet is mostly to blame.

So this week, I am not allowing any excuses. I know I’ll feel lousy the first few days from cutting

out sugar again and taking antifungals (and I’m already in the middle of a pretty serious flare), so I have spent my energy today implementing three strategies to help me survive the whole week and

really conquer this thing:

#1: NUTRITION: I’ve prepared tomorrow’s breakfast, tomorrow’s lunch meat, and snacks for the

next several days, ahead of time. I have meat, olives, and cucumber slices in individual bags that I can grab whenever I’m hungry or go on errands. This week, I won’t be able to use the excuse that

“I was out and I got hungry, so I HAD to buy this smoothie.”

#2: ENERGY: First, I plan to have the same breakfast and lunch (prepared the night before) each

day. If I wake up exhausted and starving, there’s no way I’m going to spend mental energy figuring out what to have for a

wellrounded breakfast and then stand up to cook it. I’ve also put all my supplements for tomorrow

(Pau d’arco tea, digestive enzymes with the yeast-eating probiotic Sacchromyces Boulardii, soil-based organisms in Prescript-Assist, milk thistle to help with detox, and Interfase Plus from Klaire Labs to break up biofilms) in

sandwich bags labeled Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Not With Food. On each bag, I wrote the list of supplements inside. So at breakfast, I won’t have to think about which supplements to take; I just grab my bag. And at night, I can quickly refill my bags for the next day without having to try to

remember which supplements I’m supposed to take when. I can just look at the lists right there.

#3: OUTLOOK: Since I’m already in the middle of an unexpected flare, I’m already really depressed, anxious, and emotionally volatile. So I’m planning to watch only lighthearted stuff this week...

Doctor Who will have to wait.

And, I have downloaded positive podcasts and listening materials for the week, on the subjects of

Christianity, health, and self-development and leadership. I’ve deleted any really technical, deep, or positive podcasts. Since I’m too sick to do very many chores right now, I’ve at least cleared off my nightstand and put flowers

on it, swept and dusted around my bed, and put my Bible, my journal, a Christian book, and a light health book in a basket that I can easily take to whichever room I’m resting in during my downtime.

Ok. I’ve prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally. Now all I have to do is stick to the plan

and no matter how I feel this week, relax and know God is with me. I’ve been dwelling on Isaiah

41:13 lately: “For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,

‘Do not fear; I will help you.’” This latest health trial has made me acutely aware of my weakness. Apart from Him, I really can do nothing. Thankfully (!), He loves me and is on my side and will be

there for me this week and beyond, as I regain my health and ease back into playing the piano more and more, always for Him.


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